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Our experimental environment consists of a wooden frame with embedded metal rods via which the individual modules are supplied with power. Many different modules allow a quick test setup. The individual modules can be connected using cables with 2 mm plugs.

Available modules

Power Supply

Power adapter 5V/3A , 3.3V/1A

The power supply module is available in different versions. Older versions only have a 5 V output, newer versions also have a 3.3 V output.                                                               



Tri-state LED's

The Tri-State LED module offers 8-Tri-State LED's, with 3 states, on, of and floating.                                                                                                                                                                   


LCD display (2x16)

This module provides a two-line LCD display with 16 characters per line.


I²C display

Chip-on-glass display with PCF2116 controller with I2C interface


Switch debounced

8 switches with debouncing

Motors / Power Amplifier

Faulhaber motor module

The motor module is equipped with a 1331C012SR motor from Faulhaber. A DRV8841PWPR serves as the power stage. The control logic can be selected via the mode switch: Sign-Magnitude or Locked-Antiphase. A step-up regulator is integrated in the motor board, which generates an internal bridge voltage of 9V.


Motorprint (legacy)

The motor module is equipped with a RE-max13 motor from Maxon. A DRV8841PWPR serves as the power stage. The control logic can be selected via the mode switch: Sign-Magnitude or Locked-Antiphase. A step-up regulator is integrated in the motor board, which generates an internal bridge voltage of 9V.


2-Phase step motor

Small stepper motor allowing for full or half stepping


TCRT1000 reflective optical sensor

With the TCRT1000 reflective optical sensor, reflective objects can be detected at short distances up to several centimeters without contact. It's most useful to detect objects or following a line. The sensor consists of a GaAs infrared LED and an NPN phototransistor. 


Microcontroller / SoC

Microzed board (Zynq7000)

Development board for Microzed board (Avnet)


to do


RS-232 Level converter

to do


to do

Line Receiver

to do


Texttool 20 pin

Flexibel socket for experimenting

Texttool 24 pin

Flexibel socket for experimenting

Signal Generator


to do


R-2R DA converter

to do

M3 Rapid Prototype Board

to do


Voltmeter +/-20V and voltage divider max. +/-20V

OpAmp Analog Board

to do

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