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These Wiki pages of the embedded systems group at the
Institute for the Development of Mechatronic Systems EMS of the OST
Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences offer information about our own hardware or hardware we support together with software that we develop, support and use.

Inhaltsverantwortung und Kontakt

Urs Graf
EMS Institut für Entwicklung Mechatronischer Systeme

This wiki replace the old wiki at Most of the information there was already relocated. However, please check there for missing parts.


Field Bus
  • git
  • FLIP (FLexible In-system Programmer for AVR)

Open Source Projects

Java Running on bare Metal


Open and Safe Real-Time Robotics Software Framework


Java Running on bare Metal



Java Running on bare MetalOpen and Safe Real-Time Robotics Software Framework

  • Keine Stichwörter