TI Code Composer Studio is available in different versions supporting a subset or all of the available devices.
C6000 Compiler
For programming the TMS320C6748 on the eXperimenters board we use the C6000 Optimizing Compiler.
DSP /BIOS Operating System
DSP/BIOS is an operating system adapted to the C6000 core.
The C674x DSPLIB is a floating point library with optimized algorithms for computationally intensive tasks.
- When using CMake to create CCS projects, please follow instruction given in CMake anstatt CodeComposerStudio verwenden (legacy, in German)
- You can program the OMAPL138 TMS320C6748 directly with Matlab/Simulink, see TMS320C6748 auf eXperimenters Board direkt aus Matlab/Simulink programmieren (legacy, in German)