The Zoom OMAP-L138 eXperimenter Kit is a low-cost application development kit for evaluating the functionality of Texas Instruments' highly integrated and energy-efficient OMAP-L138 applications processor.

Code Composer Studio with C6000 Compiler

see Code Composer Studio

GPIO Extension

As the two LEDs and buttons on the Zoom board cannot be used via normal GPIO, but are connected via the I²C expander bus, an additional board was produced for the J30 connector.

It should be noted that the pins of the OMAP processor are multiplexed, i.e. the GP0[2] used on the additional board is also a pin of the McBSP etc. If the McBSP is also to be used, this pin may not be configured as a GPIO.

I/0pinalternative function
GP0[0]92AXR8 / CLKS1 / ECAP1_APWM1
GP0[1]81AXR9 / DX1
GP0[2]23AXR10 / DR1
GP0[6]17AXR14 / CLKR1


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