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The i.MX6 processor has a multicore platform. This platform offers single, dual- or quad-core configurations, which are all built on the ARM Cortex Architecture (see i.MX 6 Series Applications Processors).

We use a module from Toradex, which has at its core a i.MX6 DualLite processor (Colibri iMX6). The processor is a Dual Core ARM A9-core and has a maximum frequency of 1GHz.

Block Diagram Blockdiagram Colibri

Carrier Boards

We use the Colibri module on the following two carrier boards:

Colibri Evaluation Board from Toradex

Controller Board from OST

Drive Boards

The carrier boards cb11 or cb20 can be used together with a drive board. With such a configuration you can control up to 4 motors.

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