When you sign in to Microsoft 365 for the first time, you will need to authenticate yourself using another method in addition to entering your OST password. Please have your mobile phone ready for the following instructions!

  • Using your default web browser, open the Microsoft 365 login page: https://portal.office.com


    If you are already signed in with another Microsoft 365 Account, click on your profil icon and choose Sign in with a different account


  • Log in with your OST account access data, which you received in the Welcome to OST e-mail to your private e-mail address

  • Choose Next, install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your smartphone and then choose Next on your browser

  • Open the Microsoft Authenticator app, click the plus (Plus), choose Work or school account, then Scan QR-Code, choose Next on your browser

  • Scan the QR-Code in your browser with your smartphone, the OST-Account will be added to the app and has to approved

  • Multifactor authentication has been successfully set up, click Next and then Done

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