
8-bit AVR is a 8-bit microcontroller family from microchip with RISC architecture. The controllers are divided into the following groups:

ATmegaLarge AVR-Controller with up to 256 KB flash memory in 28 to 100 pin housings and with integrated hardware multiplier
ATtinysmall AVR-Controller with up to 16 KB flash memory in 6 to 20 pin housings
AT90USBATmega with integrated usb controller
AT90CANATmega with can controller



JTAG adapter and programmers

Development Environment and Tools


There is a c library for the AVR, the avr-libc. The following list shows some of the library's functionality:

  • Startup-Code
  • AVR-specific IO definitions
  • Watchdog Handling
  • Standard IO
  • math functions
  • interrupts
  • CRC calculation
  • delays
  • etc.

The documentation also contains an informative FAQ page.