yocto and OpenEmbedded provide the tools necessary to create small customised linux distributions aimed at embedded systems.

Introduction to Yocto/OpenEmbedded

Learn about Yocto and bitbake which uses recipes structured in various layers to build custom images, see Introduction to Yocto/OpenEmbedded.

Read about Layers and Recipes therein.

Use devtool to add, modify and test new recipes.

Getting Started

For setting up the build environment, see Setup and Building.

Getting Started with Yocto and C/C++ demonstrates how the build environment is setup, a x86-64 image is built and run on Qemu. Then a C++ application is added to this image.

There are essentially four ways to build on/for a yocto image:

Our Layers

Image Download

Prebuilt images for our supported platforms together with SDK and extended SDK are available at Linux Images.


Learn about how our layers are structured, about how our CI/CD pipeline works and about how you could commit to the project in Structure / Workflow.


Work is under way to include ROS in our builds.