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When you first signed into Office 365, you just set up multi-factor authentication with SMS: Wie richte ich die Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung mit SMS ein? We recommend that you also set up multi-factor authentication using the Microsoft Authenticator mobile app. This gives you access to your account even if authentication via SMS does not work. Once it has been set up, authentication via the mobile app is easier and, above all, more secure. You can also carry out multi-factor authentication with the mobile app at a later point in time. |
WAuthentication via the mobile app is - once set up - easier and more secure than other methods. Alternatively, we recommend setting up a second multi-factor authentication method. |
Alternatives you can set up:
- How do I set up multi-factor authentication with SMS?
- How do I save an alternative phone number for the multi-factor authentication
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More TipsTip 1Store an alternative phone number (e.g. your girlfrienda family member's or boyfriends partner's mobile phone number) as an additional authentication method. If you forgot forget your smartphone, you can send the confirmation code to this number: Wie hinterlege ich eine alternative Telefonnummer für die Multi-Faktor-AuthentifizierungHow do I store an alternative phone number for the multi-factor authentication? Tip 2We recommend adding a second factor for password recovery. If you lost lose your smartphone, you can use your private email address to reset your OST account: Wie hinterlege ich eine alternative E-Mailadresse für die KennwortwiederherstellungHow do I save an alternative email address for password recovery? Tip 3Enable Choose sign-in without a password in your Microsoft Authenticator app: How do I enable signing in to Office Microsoft 365 without a password? Tip 4You can check, change or add to the stored security information here: Wo kann ich die in Office 365 hinterlegte Sicherheitsüberprüfung ändern oder ergänzenWhere can I change or add to the security check stored in Microsoft 365? |