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Before you can enable signing in to Office 365 Microsoft 365 sign-in without a password, you must have configured need to configure the Microsoft Authenticator app:    How do I sign in with my OST account for the first timeset up multi-factor authentication with the Microsoft Authenticator mobile app?

  • Open the Microsoft Authenticator app on your smartphone and select your OST account.

  • Click the pull-down menu in the top right and select Select Enable phone sign-in
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    Then follow the instructions on your phone to register your device for this service.

  • Device registration and Set passcode must be completed. Press Continue

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  • The next time you log into Office in to Microsoft 365, you will no longer have need to enter your OST password. Instead, but confirm enter the two-digit code that on your smartphone which is displayed on the screen on your smartphone(web browser)
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Continue to tip 4: Where can I change or add to the security check stored in Microsoft 365?