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Authentication via the mobile app is - once set up - easier and more secure than other methods. Alternatively, we recommend setting up a second multi-factor authentication method. |
Alternatives you can set up:
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More TipsTip 1Store an alternative phone number (e.g. a family member's or partner's mobile phone number) as an additional authentication method. If you forget your smartphone, you can send the confirmation code to this number: How do I store an alternative phone number for the multi-factor authentication? Tip 2We recommend adding a second factor for password recovery. If you lose your smartphone, you can use your private email address to reset your OST account: How do I store save an alternative email address for password recovery? Tip 3Enable Choose sign-in without a password in your Microsoft Authenticator app: How do I enable signing in to Microsoft 365 without a password? Tip 4You can check, change or add to the stored security information here: Where can I change or add to the security check stored in Microsoft 365? |