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In the startup phase of OST, a profile picture helps people get to know each other faster. |
Microsoft 365
- Sign in to Microsoft 365:
Office 365
- Melde dich in Office 365 an:
Klicke oben rechts auf das Profilbild-Icon, lade anschliessend ein Foto hoch und speichere es ab:
Click on the profile picture icon in the upper right corner, upload and save your photo:
You can add or change your Confluence profile picture using the following linkDein Confluence Profilbild kannst du unter folgendem Link hinzufügen oder ändern:
OST website (for employees only)
- Create a ticket on with the title Portrait East Website and attach the image in the ticket.
Portrait min. requirement
Format: Square
Resolution min: 1000 x 1000 pixels
No borders may be attached to make the portrait square.
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